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更新时间:2025-03-03 18:49:07
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1. The Ministry of Education is busy playing down public expectations that the country will soon extend compulsory education from nine to 12 years.

2. According to the draft teaching plan Entrepreneurship Foundations released by the Ministry of Education, the course requires no less than two credit units and 32 hours.

3. Even getting married while studying at university is no longer blocked by the new regulation released by the Ministry of Education.

4. The Ministry of Education also issued a circular in January this year, calling on local education departments to carry out the program based on their own circumstances.

5. Men in camouflage uniforms took dozens of Iraqis from the Higher Education Ministry in November.

6. She has announced that the ministry of education plans to further improve the distance learning program and carry it out to other regions.

7. Though the Ministry of Labor is devising certificate courses for some types of craftsmen, a comprehensive national vocational education system with recognized professional diplomas is necessary.

8. The Ministry of Education lifted the ban on marriage and childbearing in universities in 2003, but cases in which pregnant college students have been expelled have been reported.

9. The Ministry of Education recently reiterated its order that all provinces should publicize the names of students with additional points in the examination.

10. The circular also stated colleges should report major fires to the Ministry of Education while informing local education authorities within two hours of the incidents.

1. Graduates in the High School program are issued a diploma by the Ministry of Education. They then enter the University program, or apply for direct admission to university.


2. DMLIS students now score above the provincial average in five of seven core curriculum subjects examined by the BC Ministry of Education.

3. Then we carry on a questionnaire survey about periodical community of the Ministry of Education subordinate university.

4. Overview Xi'an teaching Instrument Factory, the original attached to the Ministry of Education, China's production of teaching apparatus one of the three major state-owned enterprises.

5. With the appointment of SiTu some 2, 500 years ago, China is the first country in the world to have a government office in charge of education. Since then, developing culture and maintaining social order has been our ultimate goal in education. Bearing this goal in mind, the Ministry of Education of

6. People who are no strangers to the way this government operates should be able to logically determine that for the Sichuan Ministry of Education to have investigated results like these, they quickly came to a common understanding in the short time following the earthquake.

7. Shorthand Secretary of Guanghan, Sichuan Academy is approved by the Sichuan Provincial Office of Education, the Ministry of Education record, and the admission of a nationwide comprehensive institutions of higher learning.

8. While studying at the school, I made the Ministry of Education Examination Center of certified English IV certificate, the National Putonghua examination II B, accounting certification examinations in.


9. We may wish at this stage to make a distinction between teaching situations where `open-market` materials are chosen on the one hand, and where a Ministry of Education produces materials which are subsequently passed on to the teacher for classroom use on the other.


10. Later, the Executive Yuan passed the recommendations proposed by the report to Ministry of Education. In 1998 after much researchinto and analysis of various policies, MOE released its Education Reform Action Plan.

11. What happens if the Ministry of Education refused to accept what is endorsed in the EGM?

12. As one of the oldest and most important universities in China, Shanghai Jiao Tong University is recognized and administered by the Ministry of Education and the Shanghai Municipal Government.


13. Key Laboratory for Specially Functional Polymeric Materials and Related Technology of the Ministry of Education, School of Materials Science and Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China
魏海洋1,贺文潇1,粟小理1,2,李欣欣1,韩哲文1华东理工大学材料科学与工程学院,特种功能高分子材料及其相关技术教育部重点实验室,上海 200237


14. The university for foreign student admission, or to the Ministry of Education for

15. In accordance with the Ministry of Education regulations, those who have been dismissed


16. Based on the statistics made by Ministry of Education, overall there has been 91 small elementary schools closed or reducing the number of classes, and 40 small elementary schools have been merged with other schools.

17. This article applies the seminal work by Baumol, Panzar and Willig to analyzing the institutions of higher education by ministry of education.

18. By knowing these facts, the Ministry of Education is eager to establish a better designed competitive system in maintaining the quality of higher education.

19. The school is the experimental school of modern education technique of state ministry of education.


20. 2Shanghai Institute of Brain Functional Genomics, the Key Laboratories of Ministry of Education and Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
李爱1,司文2,胡新武1 ,刘长金1,曹晓华22华东师范大学脑功能基因组学教育部重点实验室,上海市科学技术委员会重点实验室,上海200062

The study was carried out by Lawrence Lam of the School of Medicine in Sydney, Australia, and Peng Ziwen of the Ministry of Education and Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China.(此项研究是由澳大利亚悉尼医学院的劳伦斯·兰姆和教育部彭咨文(音译)以及中国广东中山大学合作完成。)
Matthew Granger, a spokesman for Oxfam International, said: "We have had no notification from the Ministry of Education or officials of any problem."(施乐会国际部发言人,MatthewGranger说:“我们没有接到教育部或其他部门任何有问题的通知。”)
Meanwhile, the number of secondary schools offering Mandarin classes, besides compulsory English, has ballooned from 154 in 1993 to 831 last year, according to the Ministry of Education.(与此同时,从教育部得到的数字,提供汉语普通话课程的中学,强制开设英语课程的除外,从1993年的154所如同气球飞升般的达到了去年的831所。)
The Ministry of Education announced Sunday that 40 quake-stricken counties in Sichuan will postpone the College Entrance Examination with the new schedule dependant upon relief progress.(教育部表示,四川40个受震灾严重的县延期高考,具体考试时间视救灾情况另行确定。)
All the universities are owned by the government, so there is the Ministry of Education in charge of creating the curriculum for the universities and so there is not much room for flexibility.(所有的大学都归政府所有,而且教育部负责为大学制定课程,所以没有太多的弹性空间。)
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education published a circular last week urging universities to crack down on academic misconduct and to report all the cases they uncover.(与此同时,上周教育部发表了一份通告,敦促各大学严惩学术不当行为,并披露所有被隐瞒的案例。)
Based on the new course request of college English offered by the Ministry of Education, there are some disadvantages of traditional English listening teaching.(根据教育部对各高校大学英语教学提出了新的课程要求,我国传统的大学英语听力教学存在一定的弊端。)
The lab houses 15 PCs provided by the ministry of education. That's on top of the five computers already in the Calasan home--Marko's dad is also an IT systems manager.(教室里有马其顿教育部提供的15台PC,他自己家里则有5台电脑—Marko的爸爸也是一位IT系统经理。)
After the approval of the Ministry of education, South China Normal University and East China Normal University set up audio-visual education degree, a four-year school system.(经教育部批准,华南师范大学、华东师范大学开设电化教育本科专业,学制四年。)
The major "Electronic Competitive Sports and Management" is listed among 13 new majors for vocational schools in China, according to the Ministry of Education.(教育部近日公布了我国职业学校新增的13个专业,“电子竞技运动与管理”专业赫然在列。)
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